Starting on February 14, 2023, Amanda Gagnon Dog Training will be offering adolescent dog training at Bark Place NYC every Tuesday at 5:45pm.
If your dog sometimes ignores you in the dog run, pulls on lead, greets TOO enthusiastically, or does not always understand the word SIT (or Down or Stay), then this is the class for you! During this course you will learn essential training and the necessary tools for you to keep good behaviors consistent at home. You and your dog will learn and reinforce cues such as SIT, TOUCH, COME, STAY, TOUCH, SETTLE, DOWN, STAND, SPIN, and LEAVE IT.
Does the sound like something you and your dog need to make your lives better?! Then sign up for your spot today!
Here’s how you can get signed up or get more info. Spots are limited so sign up for yours today!
Online: barkplacenyc.com/dogtraining
Phone: 540-327-3288
Email: info@amandagagnondogtraining.com